He bootstrapped a startup from 0 to $2M with no tech background. How?

Working as an editor-in-chief in a small college newspaper Nick Freiling did not see himself as a founder of a startup with $2M revenue. But that’s exactly who he’s now.

Ana Bibikova
6 min readNov 8, 2021
Photo by Ana Municio on Unsplash

Nick — is a 100% non-techie. After getting his bachelor degree in economics (and freelancing all the way through college for the local newspaper) he landed on a pretty boring 5/2 job: office hours, sorting his boss’s emails, scheduling meetings. The only consolation was that the company he worked for was doing something truly impactful — creating employment opportunities for Pennsylvanians with disabilities. Nick was passionate about the social aspect of his job and never missed a chance to mention it. It paid off. One day his boss gave Nick an assignment that went far beyond the assistant’s job description — to conduct an independent market research for conceptual programs. This was the beginning of his true love. Market analysis became a new obsession for Nick that he tried to fulfil by writing articles for investment advisory firms and joining a professional market research provider.

Passionate about people

