Introverts on Twitter: how to interact without draining your energy

The system I use to grow my audience and engage with people without feeling overwhelmed.

Ana Bibikova
9 min readJan 18, 2022

I’m not an expert in growing social media accounts. But I’m an introvert — have been all my life and the main reason I started the “Nigel The Introvert” project — with a very strong hint of social anxiety. However, I managed to grow my following on Twitter from a total 0 to 2K in less than 9 months. And I did it NOT tweeting about crypto, NFT, politics or JavaScript. How did I do it?

My visual from the Nigel The Introvert series

Why introverts can thrive on social media

Introverts are like onions:
— we have a layer of natural shyness that prevents us from expressing our thoughts and feelings in public because we believe nobody cares.

— we have a layer of fear of being rejected that whispers in our ears that everyone actually cares and they all think that we’re unworthy.

— there’s a layer of being uncomfortable with uncertainty because others are all about uncertainty. We know ourselves pretty well and by the age of 18 we more or less can predict our own reactions to certain things. But others are much less predictable — hence, the anxiety of being around other people whom we…

