How to build a relevant go-to-market strategy

A breakdown of a marketing strategy for a SaaS product: an activities plan with several acquisition tactics.

Ana Bibikova
7 min readDec 27, 2021

A few days ago I delivered my lecture on the ways to think of a go-to-market strategy to a group of 30 founders (obviously, online). I believed I laid it out more or less clearly. But sometimes when we hear the theory we struggle with applying it into practice. And, sure enough, right after the lecture I started receiving DM on Twitter and LinkedIn from founders asking for specific examples — how everything I preach can be applied to real life. And as I’m bound by N/A agreements with all the founders I consult, I figured I can very well lay it out by taking my personal use case. I’m planning on applying to a UK startup-visa with a startup called Balconizer.

Here is what it is about

It is a SaaS service that allows customers to rent personalised sets or furniture and decorations for their balconies. The service is aimed at big UK cities dwellers who live in the apartments with small balconies and are looking for “small balcony design ideas” on Pinterest.

I niched down the market considerably (to the level of Google search query), I know exactly whom and where I want to target. But to come up with these insights I…

